North Island Gazette - RCMP and First Nations discuss agreement

Teresa Bird

Gazette staff

RCMP and three North Island First Nations are working together to review the relationship between them.

Inspectors from the RCMP First Nations Policing Section were on the North Island Jan. 26 for a preliminary meeting to discuss the community tri-partite agreement (CTA) with First Nations chiefs and elders from Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw, Kwakiutl and Quatsino.

"it went really well," said Sgt. Phil Lue, spokesperson for Vancouver Island North Regional Policing Services. "There was lots of discussion, a lot of interaction. Everyone came away feeling pretty positive."

The talks were initiated because the existing agreements were to expire this year, but have been extended to 2012, to facilitate the review.

Part of the agreement includes provision of two dedicated constables to serve First Nation communities.

"They are solely dedicated to working with the three reserves in the Port Hardy area," said Lue.

The only other CTA on the North Island is in Kyuquot, northwest of Zeballos.

"There has also been some discussion about drafting a CTA with the First Nations in Alert Bay," said Lue.