HALIBUT LICENSE: Lease Opportunity (Deadline 1pm THIS FRIDAY!)

The GN Band has secured a halibut license for 2012 through our Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy (AFS) agreement, with an approximate quota of 20,000 pounds.

All persons interested in leasing the halibut license (and accompanying quota) secured by the band should submit a lease offer with the following info:
- Person applying for license / quota
- Halibut fishing experience
- Vessel to be fished & status of vessel (owner, insurance status, working condition). Vessel registration number must be included.
- # of deckhands anticipated for employment (GN Band Members)
- Lease price (must be paid prior to lease transfer)
- Work plan (please provide your fishing plan for the season including information such as preparation, any arrangements for offloading & sales, employment opportunity provided, other licences to be fished)

Lease offers will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Lease price offer: 20 max. points
- Fishing experience: 10 max. points
- Vessel status: 10 max. points
- Appropriateness of work plan: 10 max. points

Successful applicants will be notified no later than March 26, 2012

Applicants must send their halibut license lease offer by fax or mail to:
Nicole McLelland, Resource Coordinator
Fax: (888) 345-5063
E-mail: nmclelland@cablerocket.com

*Please do not drop applications off at the band office
*Please note that this info went house-to-house in Tsulquate in notice form