GN Elders Update

Hello everyone! 

I am please to let all the Elders know that the Grant proposal to the Trust was voted on & approved on March 3, 2011. Thank you to all those of you that made it out to vote! There will be a lot of change for the better here @ your Elder's Centre! I am excited to get the ball rolling as soon as possible. I would like to thank those of you elders that have been coming out to help with the catering jobs we have had in the last little while. WE WILL PROCEED TO FUNDRAISE FOR OUR EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AS IS! March 17th & 31st @ 2pm Bakwamkala Tea @ Elder's Centre!

I have the charter bus already book for our annual Elder's Conference this year, which is in Abbotsford this year! I am looking at hotel accommodations at the moment. I need exact numbers as to how many of you Elders are coming for sure this year, as we will not receive refund on room is someone does not show up. 
Here is who I have that signed up with me: Marion Wamiss, Spruce Wamiss, Mable James, Calhoun Walkus, Mary McDougall, Ernie Henderson, Willie Walkus, Charlotte Walkus, Lillian Johnny, Doug Johnny, Emma Olsen, Sally Bruce, David Bruce, Kenny Brotchie, Kathy Walkus, Mary henderson, Ernie Hanuse, John King Sr., Irene Sheard, Sara Walkus, Richard Charlie, Harry Webber, Gertie Walkus & Joe Pielle. 

If your name is not on this list and you would like to RSVP, please contact me as soon as possible so I can get the exact amount of rooms we will be needing. Escorts will be nominated & voted on again this year. We will determine when that will happen in the next few weeks to a month. We had great help from the escorts last year! I do hope to see the same this year. Activities are on the Calendar of events on the back of this newsletter! :) If you have further questions about anything, please don't hesitate to call or come see me. 

Silena George
Stuff for Calendar: Mondays @ 1pm Elder's & Diabetics Walking Club meet @ bridge 
Tuesday: 11am-2pm Life Skills Workshop, 2pm Diabetes Prevention exercise 1st choice fitness
Wednesday: 1pm Elder's & Diabetics Walking Club meet @ bridge. Aqua fit 7pm @ swimming pool (Diabetic program)
Thursday: 11am-2pm Grief & Loss support group, 2pm Diabetes Prevention exercise 1st choice fitness 
Friday: Aqua fir 11am-12pm swimming pool